Bahía Calma Beach

Pet friendly hotel

We take care of your pet

Bahía Calma Beach

Enjoy a holiday with your pet for only 15€/night.

What do we include?

Welcome menu

Dishes to eat and drink


Bed for your pet

Bahía Calma Beach


  • Weight and vaccination:
  • dogs up to 8 kilos allowed and up-to-date vaccination record required
  • Bahía Calma Beach
  • Cleanliness:
  • your cooperation is important to keep the complex clean
  • Deposit:
  • a deposit of 100 € must be left for any possible damage.
  • Bahía Calma Beach
  • Availability:
  • booking with pets needs to be confirmed by the reservations department
  • Category:
  • pets are only accepted in the Deluxe 1 bedroom apartment category in selected areas
  • Bahía Calma Beach
  • Zones:
  • the swimming pool area is restricted